En este post, os enseño un layout que hice poco después de comenzar las vacaciones de verano. Llevaba ya un tiempo queriendo hacer algo con estas fotos: las hice en Parque Europa, en Torrejón de Ardoz, en el mes de marzo o abril y cuando las mandé imprimir, elegí un tamaño reducido con la idea de integrarlas en un layout. Por las mismas fechas, compré en Scrapbookpasion unos papeles de tonos vivos y motivos geométricos, de Teresa Collins (Something Wonderful) y de Kaisercraft (colección Hopscotch), pensando que le irían bien a las fotos. Luego, entre unas cosas y otras, lo dejé todo aparcado hasta que por fin llegaron las vacaciones.
He descubierto que me resulta más fácil hacer layouts con dos fotos o más. No sé por qué, me parece más sencillo distribuir el peso de la composición y llenar el espacio mejor, sin dejar huecos vacíos que me pueden llegar a parecer algo incómodos. En este layout, he puesto las fotos en diagonal, y he llenado los espacios restantes con una banderola y con una especie de postal en la que cualquiera de mis dos niños explica qué le gusta del otro.
En general, estoy contenta con el resultado. En este, no he distresado ni entintado nada, sólo he recortado y pegado, y he usado muy pocos adornos (algunos adhesivos de Teresa Collins, y el cordel rojo y blanco). No sé muy bien cómo definir este estilo de scrapbooking (¿estilo novato?), pero no creo que repita con colores de este tipo, ni geometrías así, porque no me inspiran mucho y con las habilidades que tengo, me siento incluso más limitada que si opto por un estilo algo más shabby.
¿Y a ti? ¿Qué te parece?
¡Gracias por entrar en el blog!
El layout terminado.
Finished layout.
Aquí se pueden ver las diferentes capas. Usé botones adhesivos para decorar (descubrí que los agujeritos se podían quitar después de pegarlos, así que para disfrazar esto, los pinté de negro con rotulador), y botones reales para "colgar" el cartel. El letrero "Reach for the stars" está recortado y pegado de otro papel distinto.
You can see the different layers here. I used sticky buttons to decorate (I only discovered I could have detached the little holes after sticking them, so I used a black marker pen to disguise this), and real buttons to 'hang' the sign. The phrase 'Reach for the stars' was cut from a different sheet and glued to this.
Pegué la foto torcida adrede para dar al layout un poco de dinamismo. Está "colgada" con cordel blanco y rojo, y creo que va bastante bien con los colores del fondo.
The picture is askew on purpose because I thought it would give the layout a dynamic look. It is 'hanging' using red and white twine, and I think it coordinates well with the background colours.
Esta foto también está inclinada deliberadamente. La pegué a un corte de papel igual que el de la parte inferior, y añadí una banda de cuadros azul y blanca como el recorte en el que se apoya la foto de abajo. No me terminaba de convencer, así que hice cortecitos con la tijera para simular flecos.
This picture is askew deliberately too. I glued it to a cutting of the same paper on the lower part of the layout, and I added a strip of blue and white gingham like the one under the other picture below. I wasn't entirely happy with it, though, so I ended up cutting it horizontally as if it was a tasselled fringe.
Esta es una especie de postal que rellené con rotuladores de colores de los que usan mis hijos. Intenté que la letra fuera algo infantil (sin mucho éxito), y usé los colores del tema. El letrero *Little star* también está recortado y pegado.
This is a journaling card, and I used my kids' marker pens to fill it in. I tried to make my handwriting childlike (rather unsuccessfully, I think) and I used the theme's colours. The lettering, *Little star*, was cut from another sheet and glued on.
Hice esta foto para que se vieran las distintas capas.
I took this picture to show the different layers.
I'm going to show you a layout I made shortly after the summer holidays began. I'd been wanting to do something with those pictures for a while- I took them at Parque Europa, in the town of Torrejon de Ardoz (in the Madrid area) back in March or April, and when I had them printed, I chose a small size to use them in the same layout. Round about the same time, I bought on Scrapbookpasion some bright coloured, geometric printed sheets of paper from Kaisercraft (Hopscotch collection) and Teresa Collins (Something Wonderful), thinking they would suit the pictures. After that, I got too busy and set everything aside until the holidays finally started.
I've discovered that I find it easy to use two or more pictures on layouts. I'm not sure why, I think it's a simple way of spreading the weight of the layout and of filling the space a bit better. I arranged the photographs diagonally, and I filled the remaining space with a banner and a journaling card, where any of my two kids explains what they like about the other one.
I'm fairly pleased with the result. I haven't distressed or inked any of the cuttings- I've just cut and pasted, and I used very few ornaments (some sticky buttons and banners by Teresa Collins, and the red and white twine). I've no idea how to describe this is terms of scrapbooking styles (newbie style?), but I can safely say I don't think I'll use this kind of colours and patterns in a hurry. I didn't find them very inspirational, and given my ability, I feel even more limited than if I attempt something a bit more shabby.
And you? What do you think?
Thanks for popping in!
I'm going to show you a layout I made shortly after the summer holidays began. I'd been wanting to do something with those pictures for a while- I took them at Parque Europa, in the town of Torrejon de Ardoz (in the Madrid area) back in March or April, and when I had them printed, I chose a small size to use them in the same layout. Round about the same time, I bought on Scrapbookpasion some bright coloured, geometric printed sheets of paper from Kaisercraft (Hopscotch collection) and Teresa Collins (Something Wonderful), thinking they would suit the pictures. After that, I got too busy and set everything aside until the holidays finally started.
I've discovered that I find it easy to use two or more pictures on layouts. I'm not sure why, I think it's a simple way of spreading the weight of the layout and of filling the space a bit better. I arranged the photographs diagonally, and I filled the remaining space with a banner and a journaling card, where any of my two kids explains what they like about the other one.
I'm fairly pleased with the result. I haven't distressed or inked any of the cuttings- I've just cut and pasted, and I used very few ornaments (some sticky buttons and banners by Teresa Collins, and the red and white twine). I've no idea how to describe this is terms of scrapbooking styles (newbie style?), but I can safely say I don't think I'll use this kind of colours and patterns in a hurry. I didn't find them very inspirational, and given my ability, I feel even more limited than if I attempt something a bit more shabby.
And you? What do you think?
Thanks for popping in!
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